Monday, September 15, 2008


have had my new child-dog for 9 weeks. time does fly. i wish someone would tell me where it goes.... i need to figure out adding links on here. if i have nothing to say, i am sure someone else does.

Sunday, August 24, 2008


I guess it just seems like i don't have anything to say every day... or that it's definitely not interesting enough to write. Just now getting back to the journal-writing, so maybe there are things going on in my life! It's time to get more photos on here, i know. Also time to figure out how to get the website i made 6 months ago on the internets. haha.
but right now, i think i will go out and move some mulch around, before it rains. assuming that someday, it will rain.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

i'm baaaack....

time flies, have been doing other stuff until i realized these photos don't get on here by themselves... will try to do better. i promise , to me, she said. is one a day too difficult?

Thursday, March 13, 2008

i'm still working on this, my doggie had 2 seizures yesterday,

she's almost 18... and it wasn't a good day for thinking...

Monday, March 10, 2008

boy am i confused....

If someone sees this, please respond so I know I did it right..... PLEEEEEEZE!!